Benefitting Everyone

One of our core business values is ethical sourcing. We believe that by doing what we can to make sure coffee farmers get a fair price for their beans, we can help make the world a better place. Now, that may sound naïve to some, but to us it makes perfect sense, not only for the prosperity and well-being of the farmers (the importance of which cannot be overstated), but also because prosperous, safe and healthy farmers will be in a much better position to produce the top-quality coffee we all love.

For this reason, we use specialized sourcing companies that are committed to the same values we are. They do an amazing job of sourcing a wide variety of top-graded coffee beans and dispatching them to us to roast and deliver to you.

In other words, we are part of a bigger chain in the specialty coffee sector, a sector filled with amazing, passionate, knowledgeable people. And we also intend to do our part with the utmost care, commitment and love for coffee, those who grow it, and people like you who choose to purchase our products.


Coffee Bags at The Tea Party


Grind Size